More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=10 ranks=10 whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png squareSize=50 darkShade=#CF8948 lightShade=#FFCC9C rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF firstRank=1 promoChoice=AQHXJSYRBN promoZone=1 symmetry=mirror pawn::::a3-j3 knight:N:::c2,h2 bishop::::d2,g2 rook::::b2,i2 missionary::BW:crownedbishop:e1,f1 sailor::RF:crownedrook:c1,h1 judge::KN:centaur:a2,j2 archbishop::BN::b1,i1 chancellor::RN:marshall:a1,j1 queen::::e2 amazon:Z:::d1,g1 king::KisjO2::f2

Sac Chess applet

by K. Pacey

    Rule reminder

    Pawns reaching the 10th rank must promote to any of the other non-royal pieces.

    The King can castle with the Rook, and then moves 2 squares in the direction of the latter.

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    All pieces other than Bishop or Knight can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with them on the 10x10 board here.