More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=11 ranks=11 promoZone=1 maxPromote=1 promoChoice=QF whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png lightShade=#FFE2CC darkShade=#BF9000 rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF squareSize=50 symmetry=mirror firstRank=1 succession=1 prince:F:KifmnD:admiral:e2,g2 pawn::fmWfceFifmnD::a3-k3 camel:M:::c1,i1 cannon:::vao:e1,g1 elephant::FA:elephant2:a1,k1 knight:N:::b2,j2 bishop::::c2,i2 rook::::a2,k2 ship::[F?fqR]::d2,h2 eagle::[F?fsR]:griffon: queen:::: king::KduU::f2

Tamerlane II applet

by J-L. Cazaux

    Rule reminder

    Pawns reaching the 11th rank automatically promote to Queen.

    Princes reaching 11th rank optionally promote to Queens. Ships reaching board corners in the enemy camp automatically promote to Eagle.

    Castling is not allowed.

    Succession: A King can swap location with any of the remaining Princes, but this is allowed only in positions that otherwise would be checkmate. (The diagram will always highlight the succession move(s) for the King, but making it in non-checkmated positions would be cheating. The AI is not yet aware of this method for escaping checkmate.)

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    Next to Rook and Queen, Princes, Ships and Eagles can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with those on the 11x11 board here.