More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=10 ranks=10 holdingsType=1 promoZone=3 maxPromote=1 squareSize=50 graphicsType=png lightShade=#FFE2CC darkShade=#45818E rimColor=#6A0000 coordColor=#FFFFFF borders=1 firstRank=1 useMarkers=1 enableAI=2 promoChoice=*Q*C*A*R*L*N*B*W!P symmetry=mirror pawn::fmWfceFifmnD::a3-j3 wizard::FC::b1,i1 bishop::::d2,g2 augmented Knight:N:NW:marquis:c2,h2 lion::HFD:leo:b2,i2 rook::::a1,j1 archbishop::BN::j2 chancellor::RN:marshall:a2 queen::::e2 king::K::f2

Rule reminder

Pawns reaching the last 3 ranks can optionally promote to a piece in the 'reserve', which accumulates the captured pieces. The table on the right shows which pieces are available at any time in the 'nr' columns.

Promotion is mandatory on the last rank, and if the reserve is empty moving a Pawn there is not allowed. In this case the Pawn can still deliver check.

Castling is not possible.

Opulent Chess applet

by Greg Strong

For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


Queen, Marshall, Archbishop, Rook and Lion can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with those on the 10x10 board here.