More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=12 ranks=12 promoZone=3 maxPromote=10 promoOffset=13 squareSize=50 graphicsType=png lightShade=#FFFFFF darkShade=#E06666 rimColor=#990000 coordColor=#FFFFFF borders=1 firstRank=1 useMarkers=1 symmetry=mirror pawn::fmWfceFifmnDifmnH::a3-l3 silver pashtun:U:FAfWfD:spashtun:b2,k2 gold pashtun::WDfFfA:gpashtun:c2,j2 bishop::::e2,h2 marquis::NW:marquis:d2,i2 wizard:Z:FC::c1,j1 wildebeest::NC:gnu:f1,g1 rook::::a2,l2 snake::[vW?fsB]::b1,k1 ship:I:[F?fqR]::d1,i1 osprey::[D?fsB]:falcon:e1,h1 ostrich:A:[A?fsR]::a1,l1 queen::::f2 flying ox::BvR:bull: silver rider:V:BfR:srider: gold rider:L:RfB:grider: dragon horse:H:BW:crownedbishop: squirrel:E:NAD:: caliph::BC:: wildeguard:X:KNC:: dragon king::RF:crownedrook: osprey::[D?fsB]:falcon: ostrich:A:[A?fsR]:: king::KisO3::g2

Rule reminder

The first 10 pieces in the list above optionally promote on entering the zone formed by last 3 ranks, to their designated promoted form.

The King moves 3 squares in the direction of the Rook when castling with it.

Obento Chess applet

by Eric Silverman

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    Marquis, Bishop, Wizard, Wildebeest, Snake, Caliph and Osprey cannot force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with the other pieces on the 12x12 board here.