More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=12 ranks=12 whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png squareSize=50 darkShade=#6AA84F lightShade=#FFE2CC rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF firstRank=1 maxPromote=3 promoChoice=QLGFUOD promoZone=1 symmetry=mirror shuffle=GLQK,QLGFUOD pawn::fmWfceFfimnD::a4-l4 soldier:A:fsmWfceFfmnnD:maasai:a3-d3,i3-l3 prince::KfmnnD:admiral:e3,h3 crocodile:V:mBcpB::d1,i1 giraffe:Z:Z::c1,j1 machine:W:WD:machine2:f3,g3 knight:N:::c2,j2 bishop::::d2,i2 rook::::b2,k2 queen::::f1 elephant::FA:elephant2:a2,l2 camel:M:::b1,k1 cannon:::vao:a1,l1 sorceress:O:mQpcQ:star:e2 rhinoceros:U:WyafsW:rhino:e1 eagle:G:FyafsF:griffon:g2 buffalo:F:NCZ::h1 duchess::KADGH:diamond:h2 lion::KNAD:lion2:f2 king::KimAimDimN::g1
(and then move chief pieces to desired starting squares respecting turn order)

Zanzibar-XXL applet

by J-L. Cazaux

    Rule reminder

    Black is supposed to choose the initial placement of King, Queen, Lion, Eagle, Buffalo, Rhinoceros, Sourcerer and Duchess. The King must be placed on the f- or g-file. For now placement is not implemented, and you can only shuffle the pieces randomly. So press the the 'Restart' button in the AI bar until you are not too unhappy with the setup when you want to play black.

    Pawns and Princes can make a (non-capturing) double forward step on any rank, and can always be captured en passant on the square they pass through by an opponent Pawn.

    Pawns, Soldiers or Princes reaching the 12th rank must promote to Eagle, Lion Queen, Buffalo, Rhinoceros, Sourcerer or Duchess.

    There is no castling, but an unmoved King that is not in check is allowed to make a double King move, even if that jumps over an occupied square, as long as that square is not attacked by the opponent.

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    Only the Rook, Duchess, Lion, Buffalo and Queen can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with them on the 12x12 board here. Although there are checkmate positions with a Machine, the board is too large to force those when the bare King is not already trapped in a corner.