More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=10 ranks=10 holdingsType=1 promoChoice=QMARSONBW whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b darkShade=#CF8948 lightShade=#FFCC9C rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF graphicsType=png squareSize=50 symmetry=mirror firstRank=1 borders=1 rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF pawn:::pawn:a3-j3 knight:N::knight:c2,h2 bishop:::bishop:d2,g2 rook:::rook:a2,j2 queen:::queen:e2 wizard:::wizard:b1,i1 champion:S:WAD:champion:b2,i2 marshall:M:RN:marshall:j1 archbishop:A:BN:archbishop:a1 leo:O:mQcpQ:star:c1,h1 king:K:KisO3isO2:king:f2

Hectochess applet

by Adam DeWitt

    Rule reminder

    Pawns reaching the 10th rank must promote to any of the other non-royal pieces.

    The King can castle with either Rook, and then moves 2 or 3 squares in the direction of the latter.

    Instead of a 50-move rule there is a 64-move rule.

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    The Machine is the only unorthodox piece that can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with it on the 10x10 board here.