More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=12 ranks=12 holdingsType=1 promoZone=3 maxPromote=1 promoChoice=!P*N*B*R2*S2*W*C2*V*A1*M1*Q1 whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png squareSize=50 darkShade=#6aA84f lightShade=#EEEEEE rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF symmetry=mirror firstRank=1 pawn::fceFifmnDifmnHfmW::a3-l3 vao::mBcpB:bow:c1,j1 knight:N:::d2,i2:4 wizard::::d1,i1 bishop::::e2,h2:4 cannon:::vao:e1,h1 champion:S:::c2,j2 rook::::b2,k2:4 archbishop::::b1,k1 marshall::::a1,l1 queen::::f2:2 king::KilO4isO3isO2::g2 enableAI=2

Rule reminder

Pawns can initially also slide 3 squares forward, and can be captured en passant on each square they pass through.

Pawns reaching the last 3 ranks can promote to a piece in the 'reserve', which accumulates the captured pieces. The table on the right shows which pieces are available at any time in the 'nr' columns.

Promotion is optional, except on last rank, where any piece in the reserve can be chosen. On the 11th rank promotion is optional, and promoting to Queen, Marshall or Archbishop is not allowed. On the 10th rank only Bishops, Knights, Vaos and Wizards can be chosen.

The King can move 2 or more squares towards the Rook on castling.

Gross Chess applet

by Fergus Duniho

For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


Queen, Marshall, Archbishop, and Rook can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with those on the 12x12 board here. There are some checkmate positions with a Champion, but the latter is too weak to force the bare King into a corner on this large board.