More Chess & More than Chess: on-line supplement

graphicsDir=bpainter/ files=14 ranks=14 whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png squareSize=33 darkShade=#BF9000 lightShade=#FFE2CC rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF firstRank=1 maxPromote=1 promoZone=1 symmetry=mirror pawn::fmWfceFfmnnD::a3-d3,e4-j4,k3-n3 prince::KfmnnD:admiral:e3,j3 giraffe:Z:Z::c1,l1 camel:M:::b1,m1 knight:N:::c2,l2 elephant::FA:elephant2:a2,n2 machine:W:WD:machine2:e2,j2 centaur:J:KN::f2 crocodile:V:mBcpB::d1,k1 bishop::::d2,k2 missionary:Y:BW:crownedbishop:f3 cannon:::vao:a1,n1 rook::::b2,m2 admiral:S:RF:crownedrook:i3 rhinoceros:U:WyafsW:rhino:e1 eagle:G:FyafsF:griffon:g3 cardinal:X:BN:archbishop:i1 marshall:H:RN::f1 sorceress:O:mQpcQ:star:g1 duchess::KADGH:diamond:i2 lion::KNAD:lion2:h3 buffalo:F:NCZ::j1 queen::::g2 amazon::QN::h1 king::KimAimDimN::h2

Gigachess applet

by J-L. Cazaux

    Rule reminder

    Pawns and Pinces can make a (non-capturing) double forward step on any rank, and can always be captured en passant on the square they pass through by an opponent Pawn.

    Several pieces automatically promote on reaching the 14th rank, without choice. Pawns promote to Queen, Princes to Amazon, Knight, Camel and Giraffe to Buffalo and Elephant, Machine and Centaur to Lion.

    There is no castling, but an unmoved King that is not in check King can jump to the second ring if a geometrically shortest path to its destination is not under enemy attack.

    For playing through the sample game discussed in the book, go to the game viewer.


    Only the Rook, Missionary, Admiral, Cardinal, Marshall, Duchess, Lion, Buffalo and Queen can force checkmate on a bare king. You can practice checkmating with them on the 14x14 board here. Although there are checkmate positions with a Machine, the board is too large to force those when the bare King is not already trapped in a corner.